Tuesday, December 23, 2008

ADF Task Framework lifecycle events

For ArcGIS Server 9.3 ADF for .NET, and as of today, the task framework lifecycle flow is undocumented in the ADF docs, so I had to write some test code to see how & when the events occur with respect to each other and the rest of the aspx page lifecycle. Whey is this info important? Because, it will allow me to understand when to execute certain code, e.g. removing nodes in a TreeViewPlusNode control, checking if user is logged in before rendering etc. 
The below summarizes my observations of the ADF task framework lifecycle events, hopefully the lifecycle flow won't change much in 9.4: 
  1. Page_Init
  2. Task.CreateChildControls
  3. Page_PreLoad
  4. Page_Load
  5. Page_PreRender
  6. Task.OnPreRender
  7. Page_PreRenderComplete
  8. Task.RenderControl
  9. Task.Render
  10. Task.RenderContents
  11. Task.OnRenderContents
Next is the list of the adf task framework's other events:
  1. Task.OnClose
  2. Task.OnExpand
  3. Task.OnMinimize
  4. Task.OnShow

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